The Meridian CUSD #15 Board of Education held its regular April meeting on Monday, April 15. Information from administration was shared with the Board that included: (full administrative reports can be found on pages 2-6 at this link)
Spring sports are underway with teams participating in baseball, girls soccer, softball, and track and field. All spring athletic schedules can be found here.
Maintenance staff installed new classroom technology in 28 classrooms over spring break that included 75” displays, new teacher computers, and instructional technology.
The elementary school has several upcoming special days that include: fifth grade orientation, Catch the Reading Rays, and the Regional Contig Contest.
The middle school has been completing student schedules for elective courses for next year. The middle school is also implementing a new instructional program with access to all four core subjects called IXL. The program gives teachers tools to personalize learning.
End of year high school programs include the FFA Banquet on April 21, Prom on April 27, the Academic Awards on May 5, and Graduation on May 18.
District wide, students participated in viewing the eclipse on April 8.
Joe Burgess, from Clean Energy Design, was present to answer questions about a proposal for a potential solar array at the district. The project would potentially include a ground mounted array at each campus that would offset approximately 95% of electrical consumption. The only cost to the district would be purchasing the power supplied by the arrays.
In personnel action, the Board approved the resignation of Angela Worker as of March 22. Additionally, the Board approved the resignations of Kathy Jess (cafeteria/recess monitor), Kelley Lucas (teacher/Athletic Director), and Brian Britton (MS boys basketball assistant coach) effective at the end of the school year.
In regular business, the Board approved membership to the Illinois High School Association for the 2024-2025 school year and approved an overnight field trip for the high school yearbook staff to a convention in Kansas City.
There was discussion about the Community Eligibility Provision, which is a program through the state that provides free breakfast and lunch for all students. There were changes within the eligibility criteria this year that led to the Meridian district to now qualify for the program. The district has struggled recently with a high amount of negative balances on lunch accounts. If the application is approved by the state, all current balances would still remain to be due. The program would begin next year with all students receiving free breakfast and lunch.
The district welcomes Alexa Miller, who was hired as a third grade teacher for the 2024-2025 school. Ms. Miller is an Eastern Illinois graduate and is currently teaching third grade at New Holland-Middletown Elementary School. The Board also approved Anna Enlow, Connor Daundivier, and Daniel Enlow as summer maintenance/grounds workers. Lastly, Susannah Moyer was hired as a volunteer middle school track coach.
There will be a special Board meeting on Tuesday, April 30, at 6:30 p.m. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, May 20, at 6:30 p.m. at the district office.