School Board Meeting

The Meridian CUSD #15 Board of Education held its regular July meeting on Monday, July 15.  Information from administration was shared with the Board that included: (full administrative reports can be found on pages 2-5 at this link)

  • Summer athletic programs and training are currently going on.

  • The elementary school will have a Back to School event on August 15 from 6:00-7:30

  • Middle school baseball (August 2) and softball (July 29) begin soon.

  • The high school is hosting Ninth Grade Welcome on August 8, from 12:00-2:30.

  • Online registration for all schools opens Monday, August 5.

During the course of the meeting, the Board conducted annual business approving food/milk bids, appointing the district’s legal counsel, and approving the district’s financial depositories.  Additionally, the Board approved policy updates, student handbook changes, and a facility request from the JFL program.  The final regular business action item was the approval of plumbing, electrical, and HVAC bids for the transportation facility.  Gates Plumbing was the low bid for plumbing.  Star Electrical was the low bid for electrical service.  Parks Sewer was the low bidder for the septic system and Hahn Heating and Air was awarded the bid for the HVAC system.

In personnel action items, the Board approved the resignations of Randi Terry, Laura Woolington, and Annette Meisenhelter.  Several new staff members were hired including Rachelle Wells for middle school physical education, Marsha White as the elementary library aide, and Tonya Van Meter as an elementary paraprofessional. Coaches for spring 2025 sports were also hired including, Brian Pekovitch- MS track, Madison Houser- MS track, Jorji Sparrgrove- HS track, Bill Miller- HS track, Ponce Palmer- HS baseball, Greg Steeval- HS softball, and Matt Rund- HS girls soccer. Colten Day and Scott Barr were also approved as volunteer coaches for high school and middle school basketball. 

The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, August 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the district office.