The Meridian CUSD #15 Board of Education held its regular February meeting on Monday, February 17. Information from administration was shared with the Board that included: (full administrative reports can be found on pages 2-5 at this link)
The high school basketball teams are beginning regionals. The girls won their opening round game against Shelbyville and the boys take on Maroa-Forsyth February 24. The MS seventh grade volleyball team recently took first place in the Meridian Round Robin.
The elementary will host the annual Scholastic Book Fair March 3 - 7.
The middle school Junior Honor Society will induct 37 new members on Friday. Students were selected for their scholarship, citizenship, leadership, and service.
The high school ACES (Academic Challenge for Engineering and Science) team recently took second place at the regional competition and will compete at the sectional event in March. Senior, Sara Street, took home top honors placing first in the math division.
In regular business, the Board approved a facility request from the Meridian Youth League for use of the baseball and softball fields this summer. The Board approved a revision to the 2024-2025 school calendar, which moved the Teacher Institute day that was cancelled in January to April 17. Students will now have April 17 - April 21 off for spring break. Staff will have a Teacher Institute on April 17. The Board also approved the 2025-2026 school calendar.
The final item of regular business was the renewal of the soccer co-operative with Central A&M and Sangamon Valley.
In personnel related matters the Board accepted the resignation of Karla Sinnard. The Board approved the hiring of Steffannie Heppe as an elementary paraprofessional, Brian Dennison as a bus driver, and acted on other personnel related matters.
The next regularly scheduled meeting is Monday, March 24, at 6:30 p.m. at the Meridian District Office.