School mall packets went home today. Return your completed booklet tomorrow for a prize.
Hey peeps,
My class has been sending snow pics (upon my request) and we have been sharing on our Class DoJo.
I thought it might be kind of fun to see all the cool and fun things everyone did today as students played in the snow.
If you want to participate, post a pic in the comments! I am so excited to see all the fun our Meridian students had.
Middle and High School students, don't be shy, we love all of you too!
Mrs. Rambo
MES staff snowmen
A big thank you to our high school students who came over to help with our winter games.
Lunch menu change for Wednesday - We will be having smoked turkey slice instead of ham .
Reminder - K-2 Christmas Program tonight, Dec. 17th @ 6:30pm, at the Meridian High School Gym.
A big shoutout and thank you to our PTO and all the Santa Shop helpers this week. Our kids love Santa Shop and we couldn't do it without everyone's help!!
Santa Shop
MES Christmas Music Program
This year, Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grade will perform our Christmas program on Mon. Dec. 17th at 6:30pm at the HS gym. 3rd-5th grade students will perform a Spring program.
Congratulations to the 5th grade girls for finishing 2nd place in the WL Thanksgiving Tournament!
Third Grade Thanksgiving
Third Grade Thanksgiving
PreK Thanksgiving Buddy Day - We were thankful to have MHS football players and Foods 3/4 students here to help us with our fun day!
PreK Thanksgiving Buddy Day
Reminder - tomorrow Wed. 11/21 is a 1:50 dismissal. No school Thurs. or Fri. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
MES Lunch menu change -
Friday's school lunch will be today's lunch:
Pig in a Blanket - Hot Dog/Cheese Wrapped in a Biscuit
Baked Beans
Tater Tots
Meridian PreK Parent Education Evening. Topic - proving learning and growth opportunities at home. A big thanks to our presenters, child care providers, and our HS helpers!
3rd grade habitats
Love the Fall foliage!
‘RED’y to live a drug free live!