School mall packets went home today. Return your completed booklet tomorrow for a prize.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Hey peeps, My class has been sending snow pics (upon my request) and we have been sharing on our Class DoJo. I thought it might be kind of fun to see all the cool and fun things everyone did today as students played in the snow. If you want to participate, post a pic in the comments! I am so excited to see all the fun our Meridian students had. Middle and High School students, don't be shy, we love all of you too! Mrs. Rambo
almost 6 years ago, Shiela Rambo
MES staff snowmen
almost 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
A big thank you to our high school students who came over to help with our winter games.
almost 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Hs helpers
Hs helpers
Lunch menu change for Wednesday - We will be having smoked turkey slice instead of ham .
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Reminder - K-2 Christmas Program tonight, Dec. 17th @ 6:30pm, at the Meridian High School Gym.
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
A big shoutout and thank you to our PTO and all the Santa Shop helpers this week. Our kids love Santa Shop and we couldn't do it without everyone's help!!
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Santa Shop
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Santa shop
MES Christmas Music Program This year, Kindergarten, 1st, & 2nd grade will perform our Christmas program on Mon. Dec. 17th at 6:30pm at the HS gym. 3rd-5th grade students will perform a Spring program.
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Congratulations to the 5th grade girls for finishing 2nd place in the WL Thanksgiving Tournament!
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
5th gbb
Third Grade Thanksgiving
about 6 years ago, Shiela Rambo
Pilgrim Games
Third Grade Thanksgiving
about 6 years ago, Shiela Rambo
Learning how to make Crepes
Making Butter
Learning how to make play dough
Making Corn Husk Dolls
PreK Thanksgiving Buddy Day - We were thankful to have MHS football players and Foods 3/4 students here to help us with our fun day!
about 6 years ago, Lindsey Sheppard
Cookie decorating
AM class with high school helpers
Hungry, Hungry Turkey game
PM class with high school helpers
PreK Thanksgiving Buddy Day
about 6 years ago, Lindsey Sheppard
Shake Your Tail Feather game
Special memories being made
Stuff the Turkey game
Hungry, Hungry Turkey game
Reminder - tomorrow Wed. 11/21 is a 1:50 dismissal. No school Thurs. or Fri. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
MES Lunch menu change - Friday's school lunch will be today's lunch: Pig in a Blanket - Hot Dog/Cheese Wrapped in a Biscuit Baked Beans Tater Tots Pineapple
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Meridian PreK Parent Education Evening. Topic - proving learning and growth opportunities at home. A big thanks to our presenters, child care providers, and our HS helpers!
about 6 years ago, Lindsey Sheppard
Mrs. Spain & Mrs. Quinlan sharing tips for reading with your preschooler.
Our local librarians ended the evening with some stories for our 3 & up children.
Bright Start led a playgroup for our littlest kiddos.
Mrs. Perkes and our 3 & up group enjoying trikes and cars in the gym!
3rd grade habitats
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert
Love the Fall foliage!
about 6 years ago, Shiela Rambo
Fall Fun
Making memories
Enjoying the colors
‘RED’y to live a drug free live!
about 6 years ago, Lori Guebert