Teachers, we still have a few students testing this morning. The bells will be off until they are finished.
Please dismiss Girls Track athletes at 1:50 today.
Any student that is interested in being in Student Council next school year should pick up a Signature Petition outside the High School Office or in Mr. Stielow's classroom. Signature Petitions should be turned in to Mr. Stielow or the Office by Wednesday, April 19.
Juniors and seniors, Don’t forget that post prom registration forms are in the office. These are due next Friday. Also if you are taking someone who is not a Meridian student to Prom please fill out a guest dance form to turn into the office.
Here are the students on Prom court:
Hayden Bergschneider
Caden Ford
Will Gorden
Connor Ryan
Layla Hackert
Addison Hudson
Anabelle Nailer
Jolie Witts
Brett Brown
Josh Calhoun
Dylan Daugherty
Wesley Jaukkuri
Faith Brownback
Katelyn Martin
Ally Meisenhelter
Lola Shearer-Davidson