Student Council Signature Petitions  are due tomorrow.  Turn those into Mr. Stielow or the Office.

Congratulations to the ACES team.  Emma Pistorius had a 3rd place score in biology

Avril Morrell had a 5th place score in English.  Katelyn Martin had a 5th place score in physics

Juniors and seniors, Don’t forget that post prom registration forms are in the office.  These are due this  Friday. Also if you are taking someone who is not a Meridian student to Prom please fill out a guest dance form to turn into the office.

Juniors need to report to the auditorium for ISA tests on Wednesday the 19th. You will  check into your 1st hour teacher  for attendance and then head to the  auditorium for testing. Please charge your chromebook tonight so that it is ready for the testing.