Any boys or girls interested in playing soccer next year who couldn’t make the study hall meeting Monday there is a sign up sheet in the office.
Cheer tryouts will be today and tomorrow from 2:45-5:00 in the gym.
Seniors, please make sure to take care of all library, lunch, registration and school fees before May 13th.
I still have Prom pictures in the office and a few late sports picture orders.
There will be class meetings today during study hall for Freshmen through Juniors. Freshmen will meet on the visitor’s side of the gym, sophomores on the home side and juniors in the great hall. You will discuss homecoming ideas and also decide on class officers.
Drama cast and crew who haven't returned their script to Mrs. Moore should do so at this time.
Congratulations to the staff on The Meridian Daily on being named the best Division One online publication in the state for the 3rd year in a row. The team also won 22 individual awards.
Those who need to order a book, may do so at this time OR stop by at any point throughout the day.