If you are bringing a non Meridian Student to Homecoming there is a form that needs to be filled out and turned in by Thursday afternoon.
It's NATIONAL YEARBOOK WEEK, and your yearbook staff has planned fun events with plenty of opportunities to win prizes. If you didn't get a meme button this morning, stop by to see Mrs. Moore for your chance to get a Meme Monday Meme Button.
Will the drama cast and crew please check their email?
Picture retake day will be Monday October 14th. Order forms are in the office.
Herff Jones will be at the school on thurs Oct 10, from 2:30-6:30 for class rings, letter jacket and senior graduation product orders.
Homecoming Dance tickets will be on sale during lunch hours until Thursday. Tech students may buy their tickets in the office.
Girls Basketball will have a meeting on Wednesday during study hall.