Students and Parents-

As you may be aware, Wednesday, March 14 has been designated as a day for students across the country to "walk out" of their respective schools.  The intention of this was to remember those who lost their lives in Parkland, Florida.  At the same time, this has also become a demonstration aimed at getting state and national government to better address gun violence in schools.  Meridian High School, and Meridian CUSD #15, recognize students may feel compelled to take part in this demonstration.  If this is the case, the school administration will take every precaution to ensure the safety of our students   At the same time, it is our responsibility to maintain a safe and orderly school system where the focus is on educating students in the classroom.  If students choose to participate, they should only do so with the understanding the time they miss from class will be considered unexcused and, therefore, they will be subject to the same procedures/consequences used for any other unexcused absence.  Students who accrue an unexcused absence do not receive credit for any work missed, or collected, during the time they are absent.  This would include not being present to take or complete a test or quiz, turn in a homework assignment, or any other classroom activity in which the teacher may collect work from the student. Furthermore, seniors should also make sure they are aware of the unexcused absence portion of the semester exam waiver.  


Mr. Hurelbrink and Mr. Brue