Homecoming T-shirts will be on sale today through Friday at lunch in front of the Hawks Hotspot. Shirts are $15. You can also order online and those orders will be taken until Sunday.
Senior tech students, Illinigrad Sales was here during study hall yesterday. I have caps and gowns packets in the office. They will back on Monday September 17th from 3:00 to 7:00 to take orders for class rings, letterman jackets and caps and gowns.
Thursday, September 13th, there will be an informational meeting about forming an
ART CLUB during study-hall .All interested students are invited to attend. Especially if you can't fit art in your schedule! A sign up sheet for those interested is on the door of the ART ROOM. If you have any questions see Miss Klink.
Dance guest forms are in the office if you are bringing someone to the dance that is not a Meridian Student. Those are due Thursday the 27th.
Students interested in participating in SADD this year, there will be a meeting today during study hall outside the Guidance office.
Volleyball pictures are Friday at 3:00 and cheer pictures are Monday 17th at 3:00. I have order forms in the office.
Those who would like join FCS Club need to have their forms and dues turned in to Mrs. Warnick by next Friday, September 21. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Warnick.