There is a Mandatory girls basketball player/parent meeting Sunday October 14th at 4pm in the HS gym.
Picture retake day will be on Monday. If you need a form please pick one up in the office.
FCS Club would like to thank everyone who contributed to the annual crayon drive. We collected 450 boxes of crayons this year...over double last year's amount! Mrs. Rude's study hall is the winner of the homemade goodies but it was a close race! Thank you again for helping make children's stays in the DMH pediatric department a little brighter.
FCS Club will meet during study hall in Mrs. Warnick's room.
Come out and support the Volleyball team for Pink Night tonight as we take on Tuscola.
Any sophomores who missed the meeting yesterday about attending Heartland Tech Academy next year please see Mrs. Johnson in the guidance office.
Congratulations to Madison Sapp and Haylee Wilson for being selected to the Illinois Music
Education Association district #5 band festival.