Homecoming tickets are available during lunch hours and also in the office before and after school until tomorrow.  Remember if you are bringing a guest that isn’t a Meridian student you will need to have a guest form on file in the office before Friday..

Students - Please cast your vote for Homecoming King & Queen.  Check your email to complete the ballot this week.  Voting ends today.

Any track athlete who didn't turn in their uniform last spring, please return it to Mrs. Lucas as soon as possible. 

The Sophomore Class were the winners of the Volleyball Banner Contest.  The current Homecoming Week standings are:  Seniors (30 pts), Sophomores (28 pts), Juniors (19 pts), and Freshman (17 pts).  There are Plenty of points still to be earned!

Heartland Tech students who ordered and paid for homecoming shirts, your shirts  are in the office.  

Students who have paid for their homecoming shirt but have not picked it up yet, please come to the office during study hall today and get your shirts.