We are looking forward to having parents/guardians join us for our annual Open House event on Wednesday! We will begin in the auditorium for a brief introduction at 6:45 p.m. before being dismissed to 1st hour. Parents will follow their child’s class schedule and will have the opportunity to meet the classroom teachers and learn about what will take place this year. A copy of each child’s schedule will be available before the event begins. Because of the format, we ask that only parents/guardians attend. 

There will be a Washington DC meeting in the auditorium immediately following open house for parents of 8th graders interested in going on this year’s trip. If you have questions, please email 

Tuesday: AWAY vs. LSA at 4:30 p.m. (Played at St. T) 
Wednesday: Regional Game 1 at HOME vs. Arthur at 4:30 p.m. 

Tuesday: AWAY vs. Monticello at 4:15 p.m. 
Thursday: HOME vs. Sullivan at 4:15 p.m.; 8th graders will be recognized with their parents before the game 
Saturday: HOME vs. LSA at 10:00 a.m. 

Girls’ Basketball-
The parent/player meeting will take place on THURSDAY in the cafeteria at 5:15 p.m. If your child will be playing this year, please make plans to attend to meet the coaches and hear about this upcoming season! Questions can be emailed to 

Go Hawks!