Student Council has theme-days planned for Red Ribbon week this week!
Monday: “Team Up Against Drugs” - Favorite Team Gear Day
Tuesday: “Celebrate Life - Live Drug Free” -
6th Grade: Toddlers, 7th Grade: Parents, 8th Grade: Senior Citizens
Wednesday: “Wake Up & Be Kind to your Mind” - Pajama Day
Thursday: “Chase the Rainbow” - 6th Grade: Yellow, 7th Grade: Blue, 8th Grade: Green
Students will also hear a daily message from one of the SADD members.
Monday is picture retake day with Interstate Studio. If your child was absent on the originally scheduled day, they will have their picture taken too!
Tomorrow is the start of the 2nd quarter. Report cards for the 1st quarter and IAR reports will be sent home with all students on Wednesday.
Students can continue selling raffle tickets for our fall fundraiser this week. If more tickets are needed, please let us know! In addition to this, if your child has leftover tickets that they won’t be selling, please return those so we can reuse them.
Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled for Wednesday & Thursday of this week. Our teachers meet with parents as a team, so the conferences are by appointment only. Students are welcome to attend as well! Because of conferences, there is no school on Friday, October 27.
Girls’ Basketball -
Our Lady Hawks will continue playing in the Okaw Junior High Conference Basketball Tournaments this week. The 7th grade will at Central A&M and the 8th grade will play in Clinton. Brackets can be found below -
7th Grade:
8th Grade:
Go Hawks!