MMS will continue to collect pet donations for the Humane Society until Thanksgiving break. A list of requested items can be found online. Thanks, once again, for supporting our donation drives as we approach the holiday seasons.
Friday was midterm for the 2nd quarter. Midterm reports will be sent home with students earning at least one D or F on Tuesday.
This Tuesday is a 1:30 dismissal. Please make sure any changes to transportation are made prior to the school day starting.
We’d like to congratulate our girls’ basketball teams on hard fought seasons this year. Keep working hard during the off season, Lady Hawks!
Boys’ Basketball -
Monday: AWAY at Argenta; 6:00 p.m.
Tuesday: HOME vs. Pana St. Pat’s; 6:00 p.m.
Volleyball -
Tryouts will take place Monday, November 27 - Wednesday, November 29 from 5:00 - 7:00 p.m. in the MMS gym. 6th - 8th grade girls interested in trying out should have current physicals on file and should register on 8to18.
Go Hawks!