Upcoming Activities

We hope everyone has had a great holiday break! We look forward to students returning on Monday, January 8 for the 2nd semester.  Schedules are updated in TeacherEase and will reflect any changes for 2nd semester.  All students will also be provided another copy of their schedule, regardless of changes, when we return.  It is a great idea for students to review their Student ID number and locker combinations before we return! Also, money can be deposited online for breakfast/lunch here (Make One-Time Payment) - https://magic.collectorsolutio...

1st semester report cards will be printed and provided to all students on Wednesday, January 10.  At-risk letters will also be sent via USPS at the beginning of next week. As we start 2024 off with a new semester, please stress the importance of completing and submitting the classroom work requirements by the due dates so that your child can be successful.

Scholastic bowl tryouts will take place on Wednesday (January 10) and Thursday (January 11) from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. Sign ups are located outside of Mrs. Moyer's classroom. Students interested in trying out only need to attend one day. 

Thursday: HOME vs. Johns Hills; 6:00 p.m.
Saturday: Both teams will kick off Conference Tournament Play (Brackets are posted on the Meridian Athletics page - https://www.facebook.com/merid...)
7th Grade (Played at Warrensburg) will play Maroa Forsyth at 10:00 a.m. 
8th Grade (Played at Maroa Forsyth HS) will play Central A&M at 9:00 a.m.

Saturday: HOME vs. Taylorville; 9:00 a.m. (6th grade matches)

Softball open gyms will begin on Sunday, January 7 from 2:00 - 4:00 p.m.  They will continue every Sunday until the high school softball season starts.  Open gyms are optional, but are a great opportunity for our younger athletes not currently committed to another sport to work alongside and learn from the high school athletes to learn from them.  Questions can be emailed to Coach Butler at butlerg@meridianhawks.net.

Go Hawks!