This week's Hawk Proud award goes to Jaden E! Jaden was nominated this week because he witnessed someone drop money at a home basketball game and then got the owner's attention so that it could be returned. It's always great to see our students do random acts of kindness at events when they don't think anyone is watching, and we are proud of Jaden for going out of his way to do this!
Other students receiving a Hawk Proud SHOUT OUT this week - Crosby H., Jackson O., Landon P., Nathan L., William F., Eleanor M., Chloe E., Lucas R., Kylin M., Cameron D., & Zander T. #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
The recipient of this week's Hawk Proud award goes to Jensen D. Jensen received a shout out for being willing to announce the starting lineup at the 8th grade girls' basketball games. It's definitely not an easy job, so we appreciate Jensen stepping up to the mic! She did a great job!!
Other students receiving a Hawk Proud SHOUT OUT this week - Chance L, Crosby H., Landri R., Cayden M., Kylin M., Liam H., Kyle H., and Addison H.
#wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
The October lunch menu for the Macon campus is now available on the app. The monthly calendar can also be found here -
Please see the attachment for an employment opportunity with Meridian Schools!
This week's Hawk Proud recipient is Kylin M. Kylin is receiving the award this week for coming to the office to request help when there was a situation that needed attention. We are proud of you, Kylin!!
Other students receiving a Hawk Proud SHOUT OUT this week - Celia R., Jensen D., Dylan C., Jackson H., Lyla G., Kyle H., Serenity D., & Maxine P.
Way to go, Hawks!!
#wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
Mrs. Perrey's first after school art club is scheduled to take place on Monday (September 25) from 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. in the art room. Any middle school school is welcome to attend! Students planning to attend should RSVP by emailing Mrs. Perrey directly. Please make sure rides are arranged and ready to pick up at 3:30 p.m.!!
The pep rally was awesome, the games were a blast, and the tug of war was intense! Over 1,000 voices all cheering M-E-R-I-D-I-A-N!!!
This week's HAWK PROUD award goes to Max H! Max was recognized by a community member for picking up trash around campus after Wednesday's Powder Puff game and bonfire. We thank the community member for taking the time to recognize Max and are so proud of him for doing this good deed!
Other students receiving a HAWK PROUD shout out this week - Chloe E., Addison H., Payton S., Lucas R., Landri R., Duke C., Raygan T., Zada D., & Hayden C.!
Keep it up, Hawks!! #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
Students are asked to wear their GREEN and WHITE to school for Homecoming Friday! The district-wide pep assembly will begin at 1:00 p.m. in the MHS gym. Because of this, we will run our assembly bell schedule. Go Hawks! #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
It is great to have chorus back as an elective option for our students again this year. Mr. Anderson and his MMS/MHS class are working hard to prepare for their first holiday concert! #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
The MHS Homecoming Parade will take place tomorrow evening - Wednesday, September 13. The parade will leave the Macon campus at 6:00 p.m. and will head north on Wall Street. The parade will then turn left on Cole Street and left on Front Street before returning to the high school. We hope to see you there!
Each week, we will randomly select and present a Hawk Proud award to a student who is caught doing a good deed around MMS. We are proud to recognize Mason C. as our first Hawk Proud recipient! Mason was recognized by Mr. Miller for helping out a classmate with his locker combination during the first week of school. Way to go, Mason!!
Other students recognized - Chloe C., Myla O., Karlie S., Cooper D., Colton H., Brynlee H., & Chase Y.
Our 8th graders will be recognized with their parents before today's baseball game. The program will begin at 4:20 p.m. It's going to be a beautiful afternoon at Snitker Field, so make plans to come out to cheer on our Hawks when they take on Sullivan! Go Hawks!! #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
Our cafeteria got a facelift today when our new lunch tables were delivered. Believe it or not, I think some of the kids were disappointed they have to wait until Tuesday to use them!
The IESA Softball Regional bracket has been posted, and we are down to host the first round! The Lady Hawks will play Arthur on September 6 at 4:30 p.m. Mark it on your calendar so you can come cheer them on! Go Hawks!
Our 8th Grade Lady Hawks will be recognized with their parents before today's softball game. The program will begin at 4:20 p.m. It's going to be a beautiful afternoon in Macon, so make plans to come out to cheer on our girls when they take on Mt. Zion! Go Hawks!! #wearemeridian #agreatdaytobeahawk
All students will have their picture taken tomorrow morning - Monday, August 28. If you would like to order prints, visit and use code
We are excited to welcome two new teachers to MMS this year! Miss Herbert is our new special education teacher. She is also the assistant coach to the girls' basketball team. We are also excited to have Mr. Anderson at the Macon campus this year teaching 7-12 chorus and 6th grade music appreciation. If you see these two around campus, make sure to welcome them!!
These top ticket-sellers won a field visit at Busch Stadium before next weekend's game! Thanks to everyone who purchased tickets and plan to head to St. Louis to support the Meridian Music Boosters. We are looking forward to watching both bands perform before the Cardinals game!
Coach Allen & Coach Herbert met with middle school girls during study hall today to discuss the upcoming season. Tryouts are scheduled to begin on Monday from 3-5 p.m. Don't forget that those interested in trying out should have an up-to-date physical (within the calendar year) and should register on 8to18. Coaches will work with the girls currently playing softball during the overlap. Questions can be emailed to Coach Allen at Go Hawks!!